This was picked up during a weekend trip to Seattle. After being outside in the sun, nothing sounded better than a nice, tart, refreshing beer. This one did not disappoint.
Appearance: Cloudy, straw, a little murky. Great big-bubbled head with good retention at least halfway through the glass (thank you wheat!).
Smell: Not too much aroma. There’s just a hint of that classic Belgian white smell with a little spice and orange butting up against the malty wheat.
Taste: Very light footprint with tart, yeasty flavors. Wheat coming through showcasing a hint of mellon. As expected, there’s no hop presence. A bit of malt finish in back of palette. A bit of a “dusty flavor” (for lack of a better term). As the beer warms, it opens up revealing more of the orange.
Mouthfeel: Big carbonation with a somewhat dry finish.
Drinkability: Not best I’ve had, but a very refreshing beer. Nothing overly distinctive about the beer, but is amazingly drinkable on a hot day. Doesn’t really hit the palette with a ton of flavor as I typically like, but that makes it a bit more of a simple, thirst-quenching, refresher. Nice.
Ratebeer: 3.84/5 [82 percentile]
Beeradvocate: 3.46/5 [86 percentile]