Today was an epic day for those fortunate enough to live near Bend, OR. Today was the release day of 3 hop-centered beers including the classic Jubelale and new annual, Hop Trip. Below you’ll find the descriptions from their beer menu. Get thine ass down to the pub for a pint or four!
Jubelale – Perfect for a cozy winter gathering, Jubelale is a festive ale characterized by a large malt body balanced with hop bitterness derived from a variety of American & European hops. Enjoy this celebrated seasonal tradition! IBU’s: 60 Alcohol Content: 6.7%
Hop Trip – Deschutes’ brewers took the journey over to the Willamette Valley to pick an abundant amount of the freshest whole leaf Crystal hops straight from the vines of Doug Weather’s farm. The return trip to Bend was greeted with a homecoming welcome as the hops were immediately added to the boiling brew kettle. The first brew started soon after a phone call was received from the Willamette Valley confirming the hops were loaded on the truck. Roughly 680 pounds of Crystal hops were added to each of the 120 barrel batches in addition to some dry kilned whole flower hops. All together, there are 7 pounds of hops per barrel. A brisk flavor is created with a finish of soothing bitterness from the fresh hop oils. IBU’s: 38 Alcohol Content: 5.5%
Superstition Fresh Hop Stock Ale – We developed a Stock Ale recipe that has a subtle but complex malt profile. We used Willamette hops upfront in this beer but the wow factor comes from the tremendous amounts of fresh Crystal hops in the back end of the beer to accentuate the hop flavor and aroma. This is a beer to take stock of. IBU’s: 52 Alcohol Content: 5.3%
Biggest “hmmm?…” moment – Jubelale. I’m just not sure what to say about this except that it tastes “green”. It has a gummy, resiny flavor that knocks it out of balance in relation to the roast, bitter, and malt. It also suggests that it needs to mature a bit as well. I love Jubel. I’ve got a bottle collection dating back years. I’m going to buy a case (as I always do) just to stay true to tradition, but I have to say I was caught off guard by what I tasted.
Biggest “exactly what I expected” moment – Hop Trip. Two words … “love it”. This is hops showcased as they should be. Big, chewy, up-front, and yet completely complemented by the malt they rest upon. Aroma, flavor, and drinkability all in one tasty package. Get it … while it lasts.
Biggest surprise – Superstition Stock Ale. There was once a brewery called Orchard Street Brewery out of Bellingham, WA that was the only brewery that I had a stock ale from, and it was a treat when I could find it. What a great beer. Orchard Street went under (from what I understand), but this beer is damned close to it. Hoppy like an American Pale Ale with a slight caramel malt flavor reminiscent of an amber without the cloying qualities that I get from many ambers … a great session beer. And this one is fresh-hopped! Awesome, and brought back such great memories.
And there was a surprise. I overheard and saw brewers talking about and sampling an Oktoberfest they brewed at the pub. Got a quick sampler, and it was highly drinkable. Very highly drinkable. Good job guys!
So there you have it. Four new beers at the pub, and they’re all most definitely worth have a pint or more of.
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